Saturday, April 26, 2008


It was sports day. The sky was finally bright and lively after days and days of gloomy rainy skies. As it drew closer to the event commencement, there was an increasing stream of crowd strolling into the stadium. Every face was lit with jubilance in anticipation of the event. Most of them brought their own cheerleading items to support their own houses.

The first event was march pass. All the houses were involved including the student councilors who were helping out on that day. After the Parade Commander shouted the command, we all began to march forward smartly. This was followed by an impressive secondary one freshman’s sportsman pledge and a shot fired by our principal Mr Lim to mark the ceremonial inauguration of Sports Day 2008.

The Sports competition officially commenced with high jump followed by javelin and discus while the event marshals gathered the participants for the upcoming track events. Being the Vice-chairman councilor of the event meant providing as much support as I can and dispatching relevant manpower as planned.

While the house flags stood nobly in the dazzling sun and as the crowd was cheering on wildly for their houses, the hot favourite – Cheerleading Competition brought the crowd to heightened excitement. All houses had their drums ready and most of the houses were cheering on for their friends, be it competitors or for the cheerleaders.

A buzz of commotion raged when the crowd sighted the cheerleaders with their dyed hair in cheerleading costumes before the Grandstand. It came to mind that it was time for the Inter-house Cheerleading Competition. At that moment, every house came to life! Everyone was doing their part by cheering loudly, as hard as they could.

After which, we had the 4 x 100m Inter-house Relay. Every competitor seemed well prepared, eager to pass on the baton to the next and the last person was all ready to charge to the finishing line. Every individual had done well in competitive spirit. In the midst of enthusiasm anticipating the results, the Guest of Honour arrived.

Soon, the time had arrived for the Alumni 100m run. It was quite encouraging to have their treasured participation. Despite being graduates from this school, they still remember Zhenghua and joined in the race. Parents too, pitched in their part. Our Parents Support Group is not to be viewed upon with contempt. With weeks of ample gym training and muscles toning, they too, have long prepared for this event. With their child beside, they had their ankles tied to each other and still, they displayed amazing coordinated moves as they rushed towards the finishing line. It was indeed meaningful and heartwarming to see the event strengthen the bond fostered between the parents and children.

Both uniformed and non-uniformed groups pit their athletic skills against one another to bring forth triumph and glory to their CCA. The athletic representatives from each CCA group were mostly experienced runners from upper secondary, showing how keen each CCA group was on winning without being overly zealous. Indeed, their glorious spirits have made their CCA proud.

Finally, it was time for the most awaited event, which is the 8 x 50m Staff Relay. The teachers made an impressive entrance. Their valued participation not only served to prove their prowess but also, to gain participation points for their individual houses. Most of the teachers in Zhenghua possess strong sportsmanship. Not only can they teach, they are also excellent runners!

After several weeks of heats, planning and preparation for the Sports Day, it finally paid off to see the whole school come together to make this annual event a successful and memorable one. It was well worth the time and effort be it for the sportsman who will probably suffer the delayed onset of muscle soreness, or for the spectator, who will almost certainly suffer from a hoarse sore throat after the fierce cheering at the event.

A motivational quote from the show, “The Replacement”--- “Pain heals but glory lasts forever.” On behalf of the organizing team, I would like to thank everyone who has helped in this event one way or another. It was indeed an honourable privilege to be in-charge of a large-scale event like this.

A voice from the Sports Day Committee

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