Friday, July 21, 2006

Founders of Singapore

Who the hell is this man? This might be your first comment.

Anyone who has been to other Asian countries would know how great this man is. Even in Hongkong, public housing is scarce and only limited to people from the lower income group and even then they need to ballot to get a roof over their heads. Housing was so expensive and most HongKong DO NOT own their homes, they simply rent housing either from their government or an private apartment.

Those have not been to Hong Kong can just take a ride to our neighbouring country. The first thing you might be able to see would be the CitySquare, this megamall in Johor. Alongside with it, you can see zinc-topped houses, dirty old shophouses and slumps.

If you living in HDB flat now or used to live in HDB like our Senior Minister Mr Goh, make sure you know this man!

SM Goh's condolence letter to a great man. (authentic)SENIORMINISTERGOHCHOKTONG.doc

Lim Kim San (Chinese: 林金山; pinyin: Lín Jīnshān); (30 November 1916 - 20 July 2006)

Any fengshui master would agree with me that this is a prosperous name as there are trees, gold and mountains in his name.

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