Friday, July 21, 2006

Founders of Singapore

Who the hell is this man? This might be your first comment.

Anyone who has been to other Asian countries would know how great this man is. Even in Hongkong, public housing is scarce and only limited to people from the lower income group and even then they need to ballot to get a roof over their heads. Housing was so expensive and most HongKong DO NOT own their homes, they simply rent housing either from their government or an private apartment.

Those have not been to Hong Kong can just take a ride to our neighbouring country. The first thing you might be able to see would be the CitySquare, this megamall in Johor. Alongside with it, you can see zinc-topped houses, dirty old shophouses and slumps.

If you living in HDB flat now or used to live in HDB like our Senior Minister Mr Goh, make sure you know this man!

SM Goh's condolence letter to a great man. (authentic)SENIORMINISTERGOHCHOKTONG.doc

Lim Kim San (Chinese: 林金山; pinyin: Lín Jīnshān); (30 November 1916 - 20 July 2006)

Any fengshui master would agree with me that this is a prosperous name as there are trees, gold and mountains in his name.

Never sick again...

I am not sure how true is this but you may try. Jasmine, you can try taking more yogurt=)

Take more zinc, people so that you will have supersonic memory power!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To Ms Pek,

I've found the way to getting Lord Gelebriand's armor, The Argalia of Elydorn. A young one was taken prisoner by The House Of Fathien.

Friday, July 07, 2006

"I don't want you anymore!"

This is what my form class told me today.

Is that what I will get when I am strict with them?

Why should I be strict with them and let them hate me so much?

What do I tend to gain when I am "too concerned" about them?

My heart shattered when they said those words.

Maybe I should be their "nice, young and friendly teacher".

They will be happy and I can be happy too.

Their subject teacher ended his email with this:

I hope you would do better than me in motivating them.

What should I do?

I feel like ...........

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Singapore Youth Festival

Singapore Youth Festival - It was one of the grandest event of the year that I had participated in and I am glad to be given the chance to oversee that the students have a good time there.

It was one of those unusual mornings as I woke instinctively, refreshed and awakened by my biological clock. I woke up real early with an accelerated heartbeat. This is finally the big day I had been looking forward to!

Despite the candid feelings, there were moments of unease, naturally nervous as it was my first time in charge of a major event. With my feet shuffling over breakfast, I juggled my thoughts over the probability of the need for a contingency plan. Concerned with the chances that something may crop up to disrupt my carefully laid out plans, I called up the school to remind the Administrative Staff about the plans for the SYF spectators. Luckily I did. This simple phone call sent a surge of ease through me.

I went to school around 2pm with a dink and my shades on, fully geared for the opening ceremony that was to be held at the National Stadium. I rearranged and labelled the food and drinks for the various CCA group. Soon, the time came for us to board the buses. Helpful students laboured to load the buses with the food and drinks. Despite the hard work, no one complained and faces gleamed with pride and joy, anticipating the upcoming performance.

Before long, we arrived at the Stadium. Students lined up in neat rows getting ready to enter the Stadium. Joyful chatters filled the air. For a moment, I grinned, over the irony of not expecting them to keep dead silent, understanding and sharing this happiness and excitement that illuminates from within.

PM Lee made a grand entrance to address the crowd. Led by tight security as usual, arriving in a white, well-polished, shiny limousine. The stadium was packed like it was a National Event. Spectators were all armed with their red and white, long balloons, clapping thunderously to welcome PM Lee. The heat in the stadium would have driven me nuts on any other day but no, the elated feelings kept my smile on.

Neat rows of marching contingents entered one after another as the compere announced their timely appearance "from Zhenghua Secondary School...", she announced, and unanimously, the crowd around me roared in cheers. They are the reason we are here today, and the reason to be proud of our school. The clockwork driven march reflects on the discipline, hard work and effort taken during their training for this important day. I'm glad it has all paid off. There's no joy in reaping the fruits if there's no hard work sown.

The highlights of the evening was the plane stunt performance led by the Singapore Youth Flying club, not forgetting to mention, the Champion Band from Deyi Secondary School and the runners-up from Tanjong Katong Secondary. They fascinated the audience with their dazzling plane stunts, colorful marching formation displays and the foundational steady band music.

Hopefully this event inspires my young ones to soar beyond, to stretch their limits and to reach out boldly for their dreams. May they learn to live life with no regrets by constantly reaching out and be driven by dreams, for we only live once.

Mr Prime Minister, can we have some fireworks for the kids? It would mean alot to them...