Saturday, February 14, 2009


Dear Senior Netballers,

It has come to an end to a chapter about you and netball. It has been a trying experience taking over CCA - Netball. As Mdm Aiman and I were both new to the CCA, we are both learning to make Netball thrive both in and out of Zhenghua. Making netball our focus and your focus. Representing Zhenghua in the Zonal Netball meetings and offering our services to Netball. As I have said, we are new and learning the ropes of being the teachers-in-charge of Netball. Learning, to you, is certainly not one way but two ways.

Two ways. We want feedback and need feedback from you for Netball to improve as a CCA. Your juniors are still new to netball. Hence, the operation of the CCA itself lay on your hands. You are the pillars and the role models for them. How you view things and little things like how you do your warm-ups, cool-downs has some influence on them. They love to listen to you just like who you were before. We, as teachers, can only guide you and give you pointers. We may sound dogmatic but ultimately it's still your choice. Feedback from you and junior players is important for netball to improve. Because we want people to come for trainings. We want people to come for trainings because they genuinely love the sport, the CCA and the team. Hence, two way communication is vital and should be based on respect.

Even though it has only been two months, there are many things on my mind which prompted me to pen it down here for every one of you here.

First and foremost, the most striking event and which caught me by surprise was the negotiation for closing in the score gap with a strong opponent. Setting a target is good. But something is really wrong if you are setting a target to lose. The fault was mine. Because I wanted you gals to set a target before a match. Setting a target to lose, one may ask "then set for what!".

I just want you to know that. Nothing is impossible in this world. It is a matter of choice and whether you have the perseverance and courage to pursue it. I truely hope that you can set high targets not only in netball but also specifically in your studies. Aim to go to a higher institution. What is there to lose when you set your goals higher except the fact that you may land yourself a set of better grades which can give you more options when you eventually want to go to a polytechnic and not go to a junior college? Yes, you know that I would still like you gals to go to a college, continue to train and play for A division and eventually admit to a university. You have the potential and you can't be even "sexier". I can't repeat myself more. Yes, I am sounding more like a granny whether you like it or not.

Another thing I would like you to know. Respect and listen to those who care for you. Why? Because they will never harm you. They can nag, they can reprimand because they care. Ultimately, the choice still lies in your hands, to listen. Perhaps you may think you have listened, but, ask yourself, have you really listened?

The weakness of this cohesive team is lacking in discipline. I would say, throughout my years of doing sports, not recreational but competitive sports, we are talking about trainings for competition, this was my first time, seeing someone training with a thin, girly-like shoes without shoelaces. I did not say a word today, on your last training.

Discipline determines success. I am not really a staunch believer in "No discipline, no learning". But discipline determines success. No discipline, No success. Those who make it there are the ones who have discipline. If you want to be good, you must have discipline. You want to make it to the top, you need discipline and determination. NUS high has determination. They fought on and more ferociously knowing that they lost the first quarter. Hong Kah was a good match. Zhenghua may not have won if Hong Kah continued to fight with determination like NUS high. Perhaps they think that winning or not, they still can't make it to the semi finals? They gave up. Those who have seen the game would agree with me. Furthermore, they did not have a coach there to scream at them. Zhenghua gals want to win. IF YOU WANT TO WIN, YOU JOLLY WELL MUST HAVE DISCIPLINE! Attitude won't earn you respect but discipline can. No discipline but got attitude, people won't even take you seriously.

Some of you have discipline. Most of you still respect your teachers and coaches. Continue to have discipline and respect. Be confident of yourself. Believe in yourself. You can do it. Because you have what it takes to be the best and people who love you by your side. All you need now is persevere and do not give up. Have determination to achieve what you want in life whether or not it's netball. I am sure you can do it. Miss Pek has faith in you, each and every one of you, and sincerely wishes you here all the best in your future endeavours.

Trainings for you now is optional. Feel free to drop by for a game or two to destress. You can come in anytime you want and have a game with your juniors. You know the timings:)

Take good care of yourself and see you around!

p.s One more thing. Find an common available day and let me know. We will have an offical farewell party for you gals. Glenda, don't be angry k. Pizza for all of you? Pls also get your ankle scanned while it is still covered by insurance. Hui Ching, send the pics you gals have taken to, I will burn for you together with the last match.