Sunday, September 02, 2007

2007 Teachers Day!

On this day, I opened up the exquisite gifts one by one that my loved ones had given me. Not too bad for a PE cum English teacher. Only gifts from my English classes. No gifts from PE classes? Hmmmm... maybe my PE lessons are too boring. No gifts from my form class too. *sob* I hope they are concentrating hard on end of the year exams. Hope they can be streamed to whatever they are aiming for at the end of the year. That would be my belated gifts.

Some students bought expensive gifts. I am sorry but I have to return it. I would very much prefer to receive something which is handmade. Something which cannot be bought, invaluable, most exquisite. A student folded hearts and stars for me. Yes, they are my stars, in turn, I hope I can be the one to help them reach for the stars. Little gifts like that meant alot to me. It simply means my little ones truely appreciates what I have done for them. Those who had forgotten about the gifts, it is okay. Be better behaved in class, try your best to do your work and hand in on time. These would be the best gifts I can ever get as your teacher.