Thursday, December 13, 2007

Time for a laugh!

How to use Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody?

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about it because it was Everybody's job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

2007 Teachers Day!

On this day, I opened up the exquisite gifts one by one that my loved ones had given me. Not too bad for a PE cum English teacher. Only gifts from my English classes. No gifts from PE classes? Hmmmm... maybe my PE lessons are too boring. No gifts from my form class too. *sob* I hope they are concentrating hard on end of the year exams. Hope they can be streamed to whatever they are aiming for at the end of the year. That would be my belated gifts.

Some students bought expensive gifts. I am sorry but I have to return it. I would very much prefer to receive something which is handmade. Something which cannot be bought, invaluable, most exquisite. A student folded hearts and stars for me. Yes, they are my stars, in turn, I hope I can be the one to help them reach for the stars. Little gifts like that meant alot to me. It simply means my little ones truely appreciates what I have done for them. Those who had forgotten about the gifts, it is okay. Be better behaved in class, try your best to do your work and hand in on time. These would be the best gifts I can ever get as your teacher.

Monday, July 30, 2007


This is a highly challenging class. It is supposed to be the top class of its cohort in Zhenghua Secondary School. As it turns out to be...very challenging indeed, even for a simple PE lesson.

One fine day, this top class was being punished. As time was running out, I decided to ask them to play the sport for their lesson prior to serving their punishment. It was a mistake! Though, it is undeniable that this is a spontaneous, enthusiastic and a fun class to teaching, however, it lacks a tinge of discipline.

When it was time for them to face the music for not being prepared for the Sports Education Program, they were all laughing and giggling IN THEIR PUSH-UP POSITION. You may wonder how they did it, but they sure can show you how. While they were looking so adorable, I was teething with anger. I was so furious that I was at a loss of words. Better than straining my voice and reprimanding them in the open field, I cooled myself down and asked them to get up and gather themselves. I warned them that if they are not prepared again for future lessons, they will have to bear the undesirable consequences.

A week later...with same class.
"Class, I would like to ask you to make prediction today (giving a sheepish look with a sly smile). Please raise your hand ... if you think Miss Pek will not scold you today?" (ending with a broad smile)

Two cheeky students raised their hand.

Without hesitation, Miss Pek made the prediction by the two students come true. The whole class was punished for the entire period, needless for Miss Pek to scold them.

At the end of the lesson, they were asked to do a self-reflection on their SportsEd worksheet. Miss Pek thanked the class and her students thanked her in return.

Throughout my teaching years, this IS the first and only class that I have to resort to this method of punishment. It has never been done before. Personally, PE lessons are supposedly to be the most interesting and fun time for most students. For that class, on that particular day, what can be worse than taking their balls away during their PE lesson? Hopefully, it's going to be my last time punishing a class this way so harshly.

Note: Almost all of them admitted that the class is lacking in team work and deserved to be punished in their self-reflection.

To be continued...