Sunday, August 20, 2006

If I could turn back the time

I wish my secondary school had told me more about the sec 2 streaming. I wish my sec school had given me a choice to choose the subjects that I would like to take instead of streaming me strictly based on my sec 2 results.

My favourite subject in secondary school was Mathematics. I did fairly well in the first half of the year. When I say well, it means that I was like in the top 10 positions in the second best class. However, I failed at the most crucial point of my time and it affected me even until now.

I was complacent and playful at that time. I did not know the consequences of my action. I thought it was just a streaming like PSLE or any other streaming that MOE always have it. I let myself to be controlled by the computer. At that time, internet was the IN thing and everyone was surfing. That was when I started to play online games. I played all night long. I didn't bother to do my homework and started to copy homework from my friends during recess time.

The results came. I did very badly for the Final Year Examination. I was streamed to the 4th class which was an Art class. That streaming decided the course of my life. However, I told myself that even though I am an Art student, I would be the one of the top Arts students better than some of the Science students. True enough, I did good enough to qualify for college and university. But due to my O levels subjects combination, I am always in the Arts faculty :) Though I could not be a doctor or a Mathematician, I become a Language teacher.